Principle Investigator

Dr. Nandita Gaur
Crop and Soil Sciences Department
Miller Plant Sciences Bldg, Room 3105
Educational Background:
Ph.D.: Biological and Agricultural Engineering, Texas A&M University, 2015
B.E.: Civil Eng., Punjab Engineering College (India), 2008
Research Interests: Vadose Zone Hydrology, Remote Sensing, Geophysics
Publications: Google Scholar Link here
Lab Manager Extraordinaire

Matthew Thibodeaux
Coordinates, facilitates, and commits to any project in lab, including graduate students and undergraduate students. Organizes and manages all field work.
Once cooked minute rice in 57 seconds.
Arm wrestled Bigfoot (I let him win)
Listened to The Beatles before they were cool
Invented the One Armed Soccer Ball (patent pending)
Eagle Scout
Graduate Students

Brandi Carr
Hi, I’m Brandi Carr. I am earning my Master’s degree in Soil Science and my research revolves around septic systems. I am developing an automated system for locating and mapping septic systems using GIS data and remote sensing imagery for Jackson County, Georgia. I am also investigating the use of electrical conductivity (EC) measurements to non-invasively locate and map septic system drain fields in different soil types deemed suitable for septic installation.

Hariom Yadav
Hi, my name is Hariom Yadav, and I received my B.Sc. in Agriculture from Agriculture and Forestry University, Nepal in 2020. Currently, I’m pursuing my master’s degree in Crop and Soil Sciences. My research focuses on quantifying soil anoxia at the field scale. I am developing a machine learning model to predict soil anoxia as a function of bulk soil moisture, soil texture, and soil organic matter. In my spare time, I enjoy watching documentaries, movies, cooking, and hiking.

Sambit Shome
নমোস্কার / नमस्ते /Hi/ Ahoj/ Ciao/Hallo,
My name is Sambit Shome, a dual-masters graduate student at the University of Georgia-Athens Campus. Dual masters is a graduate program between University of Georgia, USA, and University of Padova, Italy. I spent the first year of my graduate program in Italy and am doing my research in the U.S. for my thesis. I received my bachelor’s in Agriculture (Hons.) from Lovely Professional University, India where I did an exchange program at Mendel University, Brno, Czech Republic. My research is focused on assessing the impact of living mulch on soil hydrology in a cotton cash crop. I speak Bengali (my mother tongue), Hindi, English, and a little bit of Czech and Italian. I am also learning German. I love cooking, bungee jumping, hiking, and solo trips. I love making biriyani, when I feel stressed out or home sick.
Past Students

Derrick Eugene Platero, M.S.
Worked on digital soil mapping
Now: Ph.D. student, New Mexico Tech

Renee Anderson, M.S.
Worked on investigating the effects of wheel traffic on alfalfa yield.
Now: Teaches Agriculture to High School Students

Brij Rokad, M.S.
Developed a global scale heterogeneity index for land surface classification using remote sensing imagery.
Now: Data Scientist, NCR Corporation

Sukhvir Kaur Brar, M.S.
Developed irrigation scheduling strategies for Pecan Orchards using HYDRUS.
Now: Research Associate, VIRIDOS

Maria Teresa Tancredi, M.S.
Developed statistical model for high resolution soil classification in the deep vadose zone and studied nutrient transport from septic systems to Lake Lanier using HYDRUS 2D.
Now: Ph.D. student, UGA